Category: The Stack Journal
A Guide to Getting Started In Tech
The industry is known for its impressive income, excellent work benefits and endless opportunities. Anyone can transition into tech regardless of their education as long as they are curious about the industry.
For SheCode Africa’s Ada Nduka Oyom, Community is Key
Communities empower women by showcasing their achievements, inspiring future generations and shattering glass ceilings.
Mary Edith “Edie” Wilson
Mary Edith Windsor’s legal battle with the United States government when she discovered that the US government does not recognize same-sex couples as spouses led to the legalization of same-sex marriages in US.
Sophie Wilson
As a transwoman, Wilson has not only made signifant contributions to the invention, development, and implementation of RISC chips, but to women in the STEM community.
How can I get started in UI/UX?
UI/UX design is one of the most popular career paths these days. Learn how to get started in UI/UX from this article.
First Check; Providing Funding for African Female Founders
To provide access to capital for female entrepreneurs, Omame and Eweniyi created FirstCheck
Creating support groups for women in Tech
The work of these female tech communities is important as they focus on connecting women in tech